am i the only one who rarely plays video games and got into UFS just becuase it looked fun?
am i the only one?
trane said:
am i the only one who rarely plays video games and got into UFS just becuase it looked fun?
Nope i am the same as you .
I've never played Street Fighter, SC, Darkstalkers, etc, etc. In fact I hate fighting games, but I love UFS.
i've played sf2 5 or 6 times in my life, and sc3 acationaly. the only "fighter" i realy play is super smash brothers: brawl. i you can call that a fighting game.
For me it was different. Before i started to play UFS i had already played every game licensed in the game. So i wanted to give the game a shot, because playing someone from a world/universe you know, instead of playing something from somewhere you don't know is much more fun. So i tried the game mechanics and i liked it. Now i'm loving it. Can't play any other game. Love this one.
I started playing so that I could quit and substitute my YGO pastime with a more fulfilling alternative. I have never really played a real fighting before because I don't think playing SNK2006 once counts. Although, I do play video games. If you check the video game thread, you will see. Hmm... I wish I was playing a fun video game right now... *sigh*
I'd never played a single KOF game before UFS, (Well, a couple times random conventions.) except Capcom VS Snk 2, but in that I only played capcom characters, and that guy from snk "With the red hat from a game I remember playing as a kid". Now after playing this I've gotten to know the characters so well, and feel accustomed to them whenever I play any of their games.
Before UFS, I was playing SCIII and was (and still am) obsessed with Street Fighter. However, the other franchises in UFS I would not have even touched if I hadn't played UFS. Now I play all of them! (or read, in the case of Penny Arcade)
I was a Street Fighter and Soul Calibur fan long before UFS came out. I guess I could say I'm a fighting game fan in general. I haven't read Penny Arcade yet.
i dont really play fighting games except when guys at the shop(since im the only girl there who plays ufs there) bring soulcal3. I won the first time i played a character and only the second match i had played with a person who had been playing for a while. Other than that Scott would force me to play street fighter which i am horrible at. the only reason I play ufs is cause scott made me....ugh...haha
I used to play SC3 and Darkstalkers religiously...
I play KOF 2006 religiously currently...
Ninon is retarded in the game!
I told myself that if there ever was a card game that had street fighter in it i was going to play it. Once i got into the game I started to apperciate all the other games, and even start to play KoF and SC when I get a chance.
I was the complete opposite
I played non-stop fighting games from when I started with SF2 then Darkstalkers with playstation, and I figured that it would be cool if a game came out that had all fighters from these games using other attacks from the other characters somehow... picturing Chun-Li using Morrigans Bat Bullets still amuses me.
been playing sf series and other fighting games since '91.
so... uh... yeah, video games came for me first
GouHadou said:
been playing sf series and other fighting games since '91.
so... uh... yeah, video games came for me first
"Video games, please point to where Omar touched you on this doll."
Homme Chapeau said:
GouHadou said:
been playing sf series and other fighting games since '91.
so... uh... yeah, video games came for me first
"Video games, please point to where Omar touched you on this doll."
every day i find a new reason to drive teh greyhound to cannats again...
GouHadou said:
every day i find a new reason to drive teh greyhound to cannats again...
And if you win, you could have your next picture surfing a freaking greyhound, which would be badass.
Homme Chapeau said:
GouHadou said:
every day i find a new reason to drive teh greyhound to cannats again...
And if you win, you could have your next picture surfing a freaking greyhound, which would be badass.
Greyhound surfer for the win.