Timing and OL cards.

By grave_scrooge, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello All,

I'm new to the forum and have a question that has come up in play regarding when the OL can play certain cards. For example, Aim and Dodge.

Does the OL have to declare a monster's attack is aimed before he makes the roll or can he play it afterwards to attempt to modify a miss? I believe he has to declare the attack an 'Aim' before he rolls.

Same with dodge-Does the OL declare a dodge before the Hero roles his attack or after the dice are rolled? I think he has to play dodge before the dice are rolled.

Am I correct in the above assumptions? Thanks.

Aim says to play it after declaring the attack but before rolling the dice, so you're definitely right on that one. Dodge is played after the attack is made, and so can wait until the dice are rolled.

Regarding Dodge: is the attack by the Hero automatically a miss or does the OL choose dice to have the Hero reroll?

grave_scrooge said:

Regarding Dodge: is the attack by the Hero automatically a miss or does the OL choose dice to have the Hero reroll?

The monster is treated exactly the same as a hero who dodges (has a dodge order), although the effect is only for one attack.
So teh hero chooses which dice must be rerolled.

Corbon said:

So teh hero chooses which dice must be rerolled.

The dodging figure (in this case, the monster ) chooses which dice to re-roll.

(I'm sure that's what Corbon meant.)

Antistone said:

Corbon said:

So teh hero chooses which dice must be rerolled.

The dodging figure (in this case, the monster ) chooses which dice to re-roll.

(I'm sure that's what Corbon meant.)

Err... yes, thanks. sonrojado.gif