Anyone has any idea where I could find some good 'floor' plans for space battles in RT? Maybe something from Battlefleet Gothic?
space battle 'maps'
Cat that Walked by Himself said:
Anyone has any idea where I could find some good 'floor' plans for space battles in RT? Maybe something from Battlefleet Gothic?
Confused. If you're looking for deck plans for persoanl combat, BFG is zero help but you could try Space Hulk or perhaps the Star Wars RPG for ideas. If you're looking for sapceship combat stuff, BFG has a bunch of scenarios and a good random terrain generator (charts!) but not much in the way of fixed maps with everything laid out. Your best bet is to find someone who plays Full Thrust, Starmada, BFG, or any of the kajillion other quality spaceship minis games out there and borrow their ideas(and pieces, if they're part of your group) for void battles. carries some interesting ship deck plans from different creators. Also, they different tile systems under the Product Type "2-d buildings and terrain" I would take a look, as you can mix sci-fi stuff with fantasy stuff for Rogue Trader.