Objectives setup question

By Jonz, in Forbidden Stars

Hi all lads & gens i have a question about setup game preparation.

A player must place only one obj. token at time or he/she must place all his opponents obj. tokens in a single row?

thanks for ur help!

As you place the system tiles, you must place objective token(s) as well.

However, you cannot have more that one of any faction's objective tokens in a single system. So, that means that if you have two opponents, you must place two objective tokens in the system that was just added to the game board, one for each opponent. If you are playing a 2-player game, you will only place one objective token on the system that was just added to the game board.

Also, from the objective tokens that you received from your opponents at the beginning of the game, you cannot place one faction's second objective token before placing another opponent's first objective token. You must keep placement as even as possible.