How do ever get the chance to raze Tamalir?

By Stickboy2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

As the heroes can transport back to Tamalir from a dungeon via glyph or portal, they're never more than 1 game week away from the capital. I feel I've overlooked something glaringly obvious, can someone elighten me?

Stickboy said:

As the heroes can transport back to Tamalir from a dungeon via glyph or portal, they're never more than 1 game week away from the capital. I feel I've overlooked something glaringly obvious, can someone elighten me?

Two things:

1) Yes they can get back, but Lt battles are not easy on the heroes, especially early in the game. I'm not saying they are impossible, but they are definitely hard. So if they can't force the Lt to flee, then those siege tokens won't go away.

2) There is a strategy called "The Tamalir Rush". The OL spend all of XP on buying Lts for the first few weeks, and sends them ALL to Tamalir. Each Lt is then placing siege tokens, and to remove them the Heroes must cause ALL the Lts to flee which is not easy to do.

Things like the Tamalir Rush is probably why they appear to have removed it as a win condition from Sea of Blood.