Cthulhu Deck Builder - Deck Archives?

By iGaveHimLife, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

I use that Cthulhu Deck Builder app to build virtual decks and save them and stuff.. and I was wondering if there are any sites or a thread here that has LCG only Cthulhu deck Builder Deck files I can look though?

Like www.deckcheck.net for MTG

yep theres ..if i spell it riright, nyarlazorbecs deck builder that does lcg and the ccg, to change jusy use the card set and exclusions tab on the front :)

no.. i have the deck builder... i am just wondering if there is an archive of decks you can load in that application,.

ah sorry i see, not sure really, dont think their is a place for them, maybe a few bods here can send there decks to you?


I think that there are no "net-decks" databases for CoC LCG. Maybe WE could start one!

Pick up some of the decklists that everyone posts here and first divide them into archetypes :P

You up to help me do this?

Ok... I'll give it a shot... if you wana help cool.. But with out someone that goes to competitions or at least members that report competition winner and runner up deck setups the site will nvr take off...

I registered


Take near 24 hours for the domain to propagate... but then people should be able to start using the site ... see if anyone dose. Give me a few days to get the site organized... if you go there right now (or as soon as it propagates) it will be pretty bare)

iGaveHimLife said:

Ok... I'll give it a shot... if you wana help cool.. But with out someone that goes to competitions or at least members that report competition winner and runner up deck setups the site will nvr take off...

I registered


Take near 24 hours for the domain to propagate... but then people should be able to start using the site ... see if anyone dose. Give me a few days to get the site organized... if you go there right now (or as soon as it propagates) it will be pretty bare)

Ok. I will try as possible to ask players in Stahleck for decklists and will make a post on the General Discussion about the site for anyone who wants to contribute. Whenever you are ready, just let me know. Btw a suggestion, do you think you could divide the "decklists" into 3 different categories? LCG, CCG , and mixed borders?



well thats not a bad start for your site mate, well done, if you need a hand just shout :)

Darknight, are there events near where you live? :D

yea we used to have quite a few, but i moved to the other side of devon, its a bit sparse this way, london, etc all a fair way away, still around just a way to travel, what about near you?

id be willing to help in any way i can too.