Now I know you can't use un-official SW Armada ships, with stats that is not from FFG in a Turnament.
But If one wanted to use a Assault Frigate Mk1 model as a Proxy, instead of the IMHO ungainly looking AF Mk2, still using the FFG stat and baseplate...
Or if one decided that Fighter squadrons should have a pair of fighters instead of a trio fighters on one squadron stand.
Would it be okay to play with these proxy models in a "Official" turnament???
Or must the models have to be the official ones from FFG, with Squadrons stands of three fighters???
How far can one go with modifing/repainting ones stable of Starships and Starfighters, without risking being banned from a turnament???
Obviously painting ones ships with Nazi symbols, is in very very bad taste and people should have their head examined for doing such a thing. But what are the limits for what you can bring to a turnament???
Turnaments for some WW2 games has some restrictictions on what you can bring of models, must be painted etc.
But I couldn't find any for SW Armada, or I haven't looking persistantly long enough after it.
Another Ewok Snowball from the Kiwi Rat