Any chance a scenario builder will be released for Doom like FFG did for Descent? I'm certain the fan community could produce some great missions and possibly campaigns for this awesome game system.
Any chance a scenario builder will be released for Doom like FFG did for Descent? I'm certain the fan community could produce some great missions and possibly campaigns for this awesome game system.
from Mike Zebrowski, the genius that brought you the Descent Editor
actually, where is Mr Z?
Fantastic! Great stuff Mike Z!!
I used Tibs' RanDOOM for my scenarios. It doesn't let you decide what's in it, but it randomizes the rooms and whatever is in the rooms is shown.
I wonder where Tibs is, Tibs is cool
Knuckles Eki said:
I used Tibs' RanDOOM for my scenarios. It doesn't let you decide what's in it, but it randomizes the rooms and whatever is in the rooms is shown.
I wonder where Tibs is, Tibs is cool
It is more random as generating scenario via dice rolls (i did that before), yet it seems this program is only good for medium sized scenarios, as i never get to really large ones.
Wasn't there a card-based random system on the geek at some point? Gonna see if I find that one again...
haslo said:
Wasn't there a card-based random system on the geek at some point? Gonna see if I find that one again...
There is one at Kunthar's site, one of the bottom 3
Knuckles Eki said:
Thanks, that's the one I was looking for ( link )
Yeah Kunthar's card based generator is pretty good... except the ton of cards I have to print and cut out is a pain. But I guess I'm lucky to have a D&D game (thing's got a d4, d6, d8 and a d10 plus d12 but not used for the generator)
Well, I show the topic late but anyway...
Those programs are so cool! Especially Mike Z.'s one!
Could anybody shoot me a copy of Mike Z's editor? His website comes up, but the Doom page itself is just an error.
Canjul said:
Could anybody shoot me a copy of Mike Z's editor? His website comes up, but the Doom page itself is just an error.
me your e-mail via PM and I'll gladly send you the editor!
Oh...well...this is embarassing. How? I can't see a PM button anywhere, not here, not on your profile. Humor me, I'm a thick one.
I think you have to be Friends with the person to send privatemail...
Canjul said:
Oh...well...this is embarassing. How? I can't see a PM button anywhere, not here, not on your profile. Humor me, I'm a thick one.
No probs. Click on my Avatar. You should be directed to my profile. Push the button "add to my list of friends", you'll be given the chance to write me some line as "friendship request". Insert in the box your email and it's done. They'll notify me your email, and I'll you the doom generator asap.
Just wondering if anyone might also be able to send me Mike Z's map editor. I've been thinking of trying my hand at creating some maps and it sounds like he's got one of the better ones. Thanks in advance!
Never mind on above post, I found the Doom tileset program and that one seems pretty awesome
TileSystem is a really nice editor, particularly if you want to add custom pieces. Very easy to do so.
Could anyone upload these cool tools to and post a link here? I'd like to get those but most seem down or not wokring on Win7 x64 :/
thanks in advance
Banyo said:
Could anyone upload these cool tools to and post a link here? I'd like to get those but most seem down or not wokring on Win7 x64 :/
thanks in advance
Tile System works fine on Windows 7 for me, just Google "Tile System" and the link is right there. The Descent WART tileset can be found on BGG's files section for Descent.
I can't speak for any of the other programs mentioned in this thread, as Tile System has always been everything I needed for my purposes. =)
I can't seem to get RanDOOM working on windows7 x64... Anyone got an idea how to make this work? I tried compatibility mode and XP mode, neither was a success :-/
Contacted the programmer dude from RanDOOM 2 and got a link to RanDOOM 3 with sounds! :-D
RanDOOM 1 and 2 were created in a version of Game Maker that was glitchy with Vista (Win7 hadn't even been released then).
When someone contacted me about the problem I upgraded my GM version and worked on finishing Version 3, which appeared to work on all Windows platforms. I really, really wanted flavor text anyway.