Just to clarify - Bossk

By Ma22a, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hi all,


When he is down to 6 or less hull am I correct in thinking he gets a free accuaray ? Or do you have to roll the blue die ?? The wording on the card for me personnelly couldn't be more confusing :)


It's a free accuracy

It's a free dice set to an accuracy.

So if you are firing at an obscured squadron that doesn't have any defence tokens you could drop the free dice to fire at your normal 4 black dice.

Actualy I think the added dice comes in after the initial roll, so it could not be the one excluded if obstructed.

As the abilirty instructs you to add to your pool, it is a modifcation and happens in step 3 of the attack sequence. That is after you have rolled the initial pool.

Edited by Smuggler

Smugger has the right of it here.

If Bossk was at 6HP or less, and firing at a Squadron, his roll would be minus a Black, as the Accuracy Dice is added to the pool , which, as we have discussed (somewhat ad nauseum with Ackbar), means it is added after the die has been removed for obstruction... :)

Its still **** useful, and 3 blacks is still generally 2 damage that isn't going to be scattered, and thus is still damage after a brace :)