Overlapping, moving ship back one step at a time.

By Kiwi Rat, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Went to a Store Championship game today in Denmark.

And during a game, a discussion about Overlapping occured, where the TO said, that when a ship overlaps, its speed is reduzed by one.

But because the ship now moves at a temporary slower speed, the owner of the ship could adjust the maneuvre tool joints to a different setting, using the speed maneuvre chart of the ships profile.

Say a Neb-B at speed 3, overlap a ship, it moves temporarly at speed 2, and can therefore adjust the first joint on the Maneuvre tool, which it couldn't at speed 3.

But is this correct???

I protested and said you couldn't adjust the joints of the Maneuvre tool, just because you where by accident overlapping another ship.

This could in my oppinion also lead to abuse, giving a ship that overlaps extra Maneuvrebility that it otherwise was not intitled too.

Nope. That is wrong. Once that tool is locked in, that is your move. In fact, the only time you are allowed to overlap the maneuver tool is when you ram.

Overlapping in the Rules Reference Guide

• If a ship must execute a maneuver at a reduced speed due to overlapping another ship, it is allowed to overlap the maneuver tool in its fnal position.

To back that up, under Ship Movement:

• After the maneuver tool’s guides are inserted into the ship, the joints of the tool cannot be adjusted.

Edited by Lyraeus

Yeah for the life of me I don't understand why they used the language about moving different speed values when overlapping. It confuses a lot of people. Simply stating you move it further back on the maneuver tool until it fits (making sure to use the correct language and whatnot) would have preemptively cleared things up substantially.

Yeah for the life of me I don't understand why they used the language about moving different speed values when overlapping. It confuses a lot of people. Simply stating you move it further back on the maneuver tool until it fits (making sure to use the correct language and whatnot) would have preemptively cleared things up substantially.

There could be upgrades that care what speed you just moved.

There could be upgrades that care what speed you just moved.

I know there is a crit that affects speed 2 and higher...

That's true, but that crit explicitly calls out the speed on your speed dial, which does not change when you overlap:

Ruptured Engine x2 - Ship - after you execute a maneuver, if your speed on your speed dial is >1, suffer 1 damage

The wording that they would likely use is "when you complete a maneuver above/at speed X. . ."