Ranger spikes and the Witch-King

By DurinVoronwe, in Rules questions & answers

I´ve encountered a problem in the Massing at Osgiliath. When I anvanced to stage 4, I had a ranger spikes unattached in the staging area. Do it attach to the Witch-King

I guess not, but the wording makes me wonder. "Players cannot play attachments on the Wtich-king. " Do I play the spikes on the Witch.King, or do I play it to the staging area, and not on the enemy? The phrase "Play Ranger Spikes to the staging area unattached. " indicates that. The wording on ranger spikes is also makes me think it do not attach ("If unattached, attach Ranger Spikes to the next eligible enemy that enters the staging area. "). Is the Witch-King an eligible enemy?

Any thoughts? I´ve will go with it do not attach for now.

Witch-King would get caught by the Ranger Spikes because you aren't actually playing them on him. He was released before Ranger Spikes existed, so they have since refined the wording for new enemies. But, it still works on him and a few others (like the trolls in Conflict at the Carrock). There is an official response in this thread .

Should have searched for an answer better, It do also work in Carrock... A new stratergy for me. sounds more fun than ally armies.

Then there only remains one problem, do not want my Witch_King to get snared. It´s too untheamatic. A nasgul would not get snared.

Should have searched for an answer better, It do also work in Carrock... A new stratergy for me. sounds more fun than ally armies.

Then there only remains one problem, do not want my Witch_King to get snared. It´s too untheamatic. A nasgul would not get snared.

So just play it as though he can't get be subject to the Spikes.