
By alexbobspoons, in Death Angel

So it was out of print, but being reprinted so I waited and bought my copy... now only a couple of months later it is in the upcoming section as being reprinted again and "at the printer" so if it's this popular surely ffg could look at some new POD expansions??

What more could they add to the game? New locations? New enemies? New squads of marines? That just sounds like more of the same.

What more could they add to the game? New locations? New enemies? New squads of marines? That just sounds like more of the same.

1st edition was pretty varied compared to what came after.

While I am not fully familiar with the card game side yet, I'm sure there will be some things not yet covered as the original game was diverse.

I guess so. Eldar teams might be interesting to play.

Maybe the lack of new content is based on poor sales of the POD expansions? The base game may be popular, but the expansions are shockingly expensive if you happen to live outside the USA.

Edited by Lee418

Could have a point there yes. Can hope though :)