FAQ 1.0 available

By Aahzmandius_Karrde, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

Well, an official FAQ has been eagerly anticipated as well.

And perhaps most importantly, now that the FAQ is finished they can spend all their energy working on expansions. :D

Edit: Just actually downloaded and looked at the FAQ...da faq? Less than a single page? Huh. :huh:

Edited by JohnGarrison1870

There's a much bigger unofficial faq on boardgamegeek with many of its info actually cut pasted from official question responses from designers, I'm quite surprised that wasn't used as a template for a bigger faq really.

I saw a WHQ article in my feeed and I was excited for a expansion announcement... but it was just a FAQ:


I have not felt this lack of pressure in the Delve... Not sure how I'll take this adjustment.

After playing the DelveQuest with the fix from FFG i think it's not very thematic to simply forbid recover.

For me it only should forbid recover through the rest action (rolling dice -> successes), then all the other recover-stuff like aid from the WP or attack from the WW will apply.

This would thematicly fit into the hurry smile.gif

Additional .. spawning X enemies during peril each time the counter hit red field after the first time is a nice idea. Where X is the number of heroes alive.