Hi guys,
As a long-time Deathwatch GM, I recently tried my hand at running DH2E. I do like what I see so far - at the first glance the system appears to be quite nicely streamlined in comparison with the crunch in DW, but I still need to get the hang of the Requisition system. Now, I tried to read the relevant threads here, debates included, and don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the mechanic of testing Influence and generally following RAW (at least not at the moment - I'll see how it works after a few adventures). While not as elegantly simplistic as the Requisition in DW, I recognise that a simple check-out, check-in system couldn't work so easily in DH, and I'm actually keen to try it out, because it seems to have a lot of potential.
What I can't nail down so easily is how these Requisition tests are handled in the narrative - that is, how you as GMs describe these situations. Do you guys improvise a separate shop every single time? Or do the Techpriest always shop at the AdMech, while the Arbitrator goes to the local Precinct-Bastion? Or is there a local contact provided by the Inquisitor, tasked with running errands? What's your take on this?