Until then you are saying this card operates and is formated differently than every other card in this game and that is just hard to swallow.
Is there another card with the same wording? If the wording is different from every other card in the game, why is it so hard to swallow that it's actually different from every other card in the game?
Regading the DD, no it does not give any indication that it should be handled any differently than your interpretation of WB. Why is this not a conditional check but yours is? What about your language states that if it comes into play with one damage on it it can not come into play with any other amount of damage on it? DD says "After your turn begins, each player must either sacrifice a development or deal 1 damage to each section of his capital." It says 1 development, why is that not an absolute concerning the prevention of damage to the capitol after my turn begins?
Wha? Okay, I'm going to be blunt here - you're getting idiotic. DEAL 1 DAMAGE is an action. SACRIFICE A DEVELOPMENT is an action. Neither of them have anything to do with preventing damage, why would you even suggest they did? Both do exactly what they say they do. "Comes into play with one damage" is not an action, it is a statement which defines the ending state. Can you really not see the difference in the wording here?
As a matter of fact, if you play it the way you want to, you're breaking the card's rule. It says "Comes into play with one damage". If you resolve two of them and apply a damage for each, how much damage does the unit have when it comes into play? You're choosing to change the meaning on the card, with absolutely nothing to support doing so.
But fine, whatever... At this point I agree this will be wholly unproductive as long as you refuse to address the actual wording on the card. I'll send it off to Nate.