Ok, so I have a question about the Demolisher's ability to fire between movement steps, specifically if it is possible. For reference:
Demolisher: "During your activation, you can perform 1 of your attacks after you execute a manoeuvre."
Engine Techs: "Nav: After you perform a manoeuvre, you may exhaust this card to execute a speed-1 manoeuvre."
Effect Use and Timing, pg5 Rules Reference:
Effects with a command icon as a header, such as “Nav:,” can be resolved once while the ship is resolving the matching command. An “after” effect occurs immediately after the specified event and cannot occur again for that instance of the event.
So, the question: can Demolisher attack, move, attack and then use Engine Techs?
My reading of the rules reference would suggest not, because an after effect (Engine Techs, in this case) occurs immediately after the specified event (a manoeuvre) and so if the Demolisher were to attack after the maneouvre then the time to trigger the after effects has expired.
Is this a correct reading? Have I missed something that allows it?