A doubt about DH characters in RT campaigns.

By Kinai, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters


After read the RT Core Book I have a doubt about the transfer of DH characters in RT campaigns.

Let me explain myself. Suppose that you and your friends are playing a DH campaign. After a lot of sessions you and your friends achieve 15.000 XP and finish your DH career paths. Then your master thinks that you can continue the campaign toward RT with the same characters, only that your characters have to change to a RT career path.

The doubt is, could the players buy the characteristic advances of their new careers if they already bought the characteristic advances of their old careers?



I'd be inclined to say they could buy a single extra stat advance- simply because Rt characters start one higher. I would house rule the xp cost depending on-

  1. Their old DH career and how cheap the stat was for them
  2. Their new RT career and how cheap the final stat upgrade on it is for them.

But not all 4- it would break the game. A single extra stat advance would allow DH characters to scale.

Kinai said:


After read the RT Core Book I have a doubt about the transfer of DH characters in RT campaigns.

Let me explain myself. Suppose that you and your friends are playing a DH campaign. After a lot of sessions you and your friends achieve 15.000 XP and finish your DH career paths. Then your master thinks that you can continue the campaign toward RT with the same characters, only that your characters have to change to a RT career path.

The doubt is, could the players buy the characteristic advances of their new careers if they already bought the characteristic advances of their old careers?



If I were to port them over as RT characters, I, in game, have 5-10 years pass and then give them their new career special ability to show thir new station in life.

As for characteristics, all advances they have purchased up to that point remain purchased. If they upped their BS 3 times, WP 4 times, and Fel 1 time, then no matter the career chosen, they would have 1 advance for BS left (the highest), none for WP, and three advances for Fel. The advancement cost would be the same cost as what ever career they are now. After all since they've spent 5-10 years between DH and RT filling a new role and their lives have subsequently changed considerably for this.and, now, tat role is them. I wouldn't give them a 5 stat advance however. Looking over the numbers, it seems the lacking of a higher stat is made up for by the fact tat D characters of equivalent rank tend to have a lot more in the way of skills and talents. That would be enough of an offset for me.

I'll actually be doing this for my 8th level scum when we pick up RT as he's buggered off and, for the next little while will be a slave aboard a merchant ship who will be working his way up the ranks becoming a Void Master with one hell of a history, not all his marbles, and eyes that have seen the horrors, oh the horrors...

Personally, I don't see any reason to convert.

It says in the book that starting RT characters are equivalent to 5000 XP Dark Heresy characters.

We are converting from a Dark Heresy Campaign into a Rogue Trader Campaign. There IS NO conversion process. You simply keep the characters (resumbably over 5000 points) as they are, and any new characters begin using the RT character creation process.

If your characters are at 15000 XP and maxed out, I would reccomend starting new characters OR waiting for Ascension.

I agree with Black Sabbath, you don't need the Rogue Trader career to actually BE a Rogue Trader, etc, so you wouldn't need to actually do any conversions.

Dark Heresy & Rogue Trader have even built in a psuedo-expansion already, the Elite Advance. If you're character is at career path max (and you don't want to wait for ascension, which if RT is any indication, will expand career paths from DH 5 more ranks in something special), continue to give them xp, and allow them elite advances appropriate to their station from RT (like, Weapon Training (Universal) or Speak (Eldar) etc).

BrotherHostower said:

I agree with Black Sabbath, you don't need the Rogue Trader career to actually BE a Rogue Trader, etc, so you wouldn't need to actually do any conversions.

Dark Heresy & Rogue Trader have even built in a psuedo-expansion already, the Elite Advance. If you're character is at career path max (and you don't want to wait for ascension, which if RT is any indication, will expand career paths from DH 5 more ranks in something special), continue to give them xp, and allow them elite advances appropriate to their station from RT (like, Weapon Training (Universal) or Speak (Eldar) etc).

I have to agree with you both on this. I'm soon going to start playing an ex-navy character who's been awarded a warrant for action during the 13th Black Crusade (on the right side of course) ;P. That makes her a void-master more than a rogue trader. I compensated for the lack of some starting skills (High Gothic for example) by giving her the Noble Born origin with a Military background. The only real conflicts are in the justification for such - what are Inquisitorial acolytes doing joining a rogue trader? That takes some creative thinking.

There are many examples of Inquisitors tapping Rogue Traders, in fact, I think almost every novel that BL has published where an Inquisitor is the main character they've eventually had an RT, the clear ones that stand out are in Eisenhorn and Ravenor, but I know there are others.

BlkSabbath74 said:

If your characters are at 15000 XP and maxed out, I would reccomend starting new characters OR waiting for Ascension.

A DH character doesn't top out at 15,000 xp. They may run out of new advance options, but they are very likely to have many more that they wish to take from their Ranks 1-8 charts along with some of the upper-end Characterisitc advances. Beyond those, there are always Elite Advances.