As we know there are 3 checks to do when you shoot at a ship.
The first is checking Arc because that will tell you if you can target the hull zone you want or not. It will also determine where to measure for the third step.
The second is checking Line of Sight from little yellow dot to the targets little yellow dot.
The third is checking Range from the closest point of your arc to your opponents closest point in the arc you are targeting (this is what my question will be about in a bit).
If in steps 2 and 3 you cross an Arc Line you can't make a legal attack.
Here is the issue I thought up.
For the Nebulon-B, MC80 and the MC30, you have Arc lines that are against the corners of the base plates. This could cause an attack to either of 2 arcs to not be able to attack.
If you angle one of the previously mentioned ships so that the closest point of their arc is that corner, when your opponent goes to measure attack range it will cross the line and thus no longer be a valid attack against either side.
Now this won't happen in casual play but I can see some person at a regional level or higher using this loop hole.
I don't have access to Vassal or to my base plates right now so if someone could put this up in a picture format I would appreciate that.