Few Local Players - Anyone Interested in Vassal Play?

By maddog1, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

So I live in the Memphis area, and there's only 3 of us that play even somewhat regularly (I'm in law school and the other two guys work for FedEx), so needless to say I don't get to play too often. That said, is there anybody interested in casual Vassal play? I'm new to Vassal, but would love to play.

(Sorry if this isn't in the right place...)

In case you are interested, there is an Armada Vassal group on Facebook where people can post looking for a game.

What is the name of that group?

What is the name of that group?

Star Wars Armada Online - Vassal Connections

Just follow my signature...

guys i would like to join in but i don't have Facebook.

Could you please post the days/times (with timezone) that you are playing this on vassal?
