The Roman :P

By Nasuko, in UFS Deck Building

Well, after getting sucked into the world of Battle Spirits, I haven't gotten a round to making a new deck recently, but with the Store Championships right around the corner, I thought I'd share my newest creation.

Marius Gaius


Stone Skin X 3

Berserker Rage X 3

Hunger for Souls X 4


Sweeping Tali Strikes X 3

Tyr's Warding Smash X 3

Leg Slash X 3

Upper Claw X 4

Cleave X 4


Hope for Ones People X 4

Brooding X 4

Financial Troubles X 4

Intimidating Presence X 3

Loves To Talk X 3

Hungry For Battle X 3

All Life Is Prey X 4

From The Mouse, Humility X 4

Communing With The Ancients X 4

So basically, the deck is meant to revolve around Field Obliteration. I use Communing to make my checks for my attacks higher, and try to play strings of attacks by either drawing with financial troubles or looping some of my weapons with Tali Strikes, and from the mouse, also using Stone Skin to make my checks easier, and makes Marius's ability slightly better, and Berserker also try's to acomplish this goal, while pumping.

Mainly however, I wait for an opening in my opponent's defenses, and hit them with Hunger For Souls, looping it with Marius, and blowing up ridiculous amounts of foundations, making it harder for my opponent to block my attacks. Also, if all goes well, any of my attacks can potentially be lethal if I still have an All Life is Prey available.

And Loves to Talk is ridiculous in this build, because once I start playing lots of actions, they can stack my damage pretty quickly.

Let me know what you think. Question's, Comment's, Concern's???