Varnias Tybalt said:
Gribble_the_Munchkin said:
Any imperial guard 40k players able to advise on guard regiment make ups?
According to the fluff sources I've read a "standard" regiment in 40K is made up of roughly 24 companies. Each company in turn is made up of between 2 to 6 infantry platoons. Each platoon is made up of between 2 to 5 Infantry squads, where one is a designated command squad for that platoon. A standard squad is made up of one sergeant and nine troopers (or most often one sergeant, one corporal and neight troopers). A command squad on the other hand is usually made up of one officer and four members of his personal staff (junior officers, advisors, comms specialists etc.)
So of course the numbers vary quite a bit depending on earlier losse and decimations, but I'd say that it would be safe to assume that a "standard" regiment that has been freshly replenished from earlier casualties would number in between 8000 to 10.000 men. But a regiment could be much smaller, partly depending on casualties and if the regiment is specialized for certain battlefield conditions or roles (like forward scout regiments being in smaller numbers due to the natural disadvantages of trying to "sneak" with 10.000 men at once).
Entirely variable. In the Caphias Cain novels he described his valhallan regiment as made up of 5 compants with the third being the auxilliary company, full of all the auxilliary units that they didnt have a place for, with each normal company consisting of 5 plattons of 10 men. This is at variance with him describing it as little over a thousand men as by my count even the four companys without including the auxilliary company is 1320 at least.
The Imperial Guard Primer however sates that a Cadian Regiment is 6 Companys of between 2 and 6 squads with a command section.
Other fluff Ive read puts a regiment at 10 000 +
So theres no hard or fast rules
However In the rogue trader rulebbok, it states that a regiments worth of men is 1000 men. Quite why they chose this figure Im not sure but there may be a number of reasons. Firstly because historically a small regiment would be about two batallions and thats about 500 men, the smallest number thats a military force is capable realistically of operating independantly. And secondly some of the early fluff written by William King stated that there is a cap on rogue traders having no more than 1000 men under arms to stop them getting ideas. However Im pretty sure that as much as he is revetred as one of GW favorite writers this is hardly canon:
Lastly you have to be realistic, A guard regiment for a Rogue trader aboard his own ship is going to be small. Thats a lot of troops to feed and keep trained. Also any larger and youre really risking mutiny.
As for combuined arms then yes but with Provisions. Im creating a Guard Regiment to reflect whatt in my barracks
100th Beorman Frontier Regiment:
3 Companys of light infantry made of ragtag soldiers that keep getting seconded or enlisted from various warzones that, often dropped in valkaries (But not troops, not enough time to train such a motely bunch of grunts and misfits."
1 Heavy weapons company complete with sentry guns and Aegis Barriers, specialised in quickly setting up a perimetre defence (For when the grunts have cleared the ground and the rogue trader need to get the gear on land)
1 Assault weapons company, armed mostly with flamers and other assorted weapons to clear out space hulks and confined spaces,
1 Company of sentinels who fulfill a tank hunting roll should it ever get messy and the xenos having some heavy firepower
1 Auxilliary Company of vehicles the rogue trader has purchased, borrowed, thieved, that fufill specialist roles such as demolition vehicle, burrowing machines etc all lovingly tendered by the the hereditary sons of the regiment, all offspring of interplanet 'indescretions'
All these commanded by officers in pristine dress uniforms and breastplates and white gloves. out to earn prestige on the field of battle in some far flung emperor forsaken corner of the Galaxy.