This topic is a result of this thread here . I felt it was different enough to warrant its own thread. Let me say I agree with JanB when he says he thinks the description of "at the beginning" in Caleb's ruling below is bad...if we assume that all framework effects listed in the back of the rule book happen at the beginning of their respective phases then we get the problem I posted below which I believe is an unintended consequence of this ruling.
Quote from JanB/Caleb's ruling from other thread :
Hi Jan,
If you look at the timing chart on page 30 of the core rules, players gain resources and draw cards at the beginning of the resource phase. Cirdan’s ability causes you to draw 1 additional card at that time.Cheers,Caleb
So the initial intention that you simply draw more cards during the resource phase is correct, but i think the description "at the beginning ..." is bad.
Joining Another Player (Foundations of Stone Rules)
On stage 4B players are instructed to “join another player” after completing their current quest card. Joining another player happens at the beginning of the travel phase. The joining player(s) must add any encounter cards in his own staging area to the staging area of the player(s) he is joining with, keeping any enemies engaged with him and discarding any active location in the staging area being left. If multiple players complete their current quest card during the same phase, they join quests starting with the First Player and proceeding clockwise around the table. If there is no player to join, then players must continue to stage 5.
While Mithril Lode is the active location, it gains: 'Refresh Action: Exhaust a character you control to place X progress tokens on the current quest card, bypassing any active location . X is the exhausted character's Willpower. (Limit once per round.)'