DH2e rules, RT adventures

By Gregor Eisenhorn, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Hi all,

So currently some of us are speculating the possibility of Rogue Trader 2e as an expansion to DH2e. That got me thinking, for those of you who know, would it be possible to run the current Rogue Trader using DH2e rules. You'd only continue using the RT rulebook for ship combat etc, but everything else would be from DH2e. Would this work at all? What about the power levels of PCs versus the NPCs in Rogue Trader?



First problem: Rogue trader starts characters at approx. 5000 exp. pts. which makes sense given that they are the command crew of their ship. Of course all the RT characters could be considered basically elite advances from DH2 characters but that would also be true of the expansion!

Second problem: The skills/talents have significantly evolved since RT. Not an insurmountable problem but it would require some rework. I believe Plushy did a conversion from OW to RT awhile back so if you can find it that would be a good place to start.

Third problem: This one's minor but will be important. Influence and profit factor scale VERY differently! The simple conversion is to subtract 30 from DH2 influence and use the RT chart for PF and aquisitions.

You will of course note that all this basically involves entirely revising the Chargen process in RT as well as inserting the newer combat rules and other things. This is certainly not impossible but will require a LOT of work. This is why many of us are looking for some sort of 'official' revision!

Take a look at my dh2 conversion of rogue trader.

Take a look at my dh2 conversion of rogue trader.

Where can I find that?

Very much what Radwraith said.

I personally dont see the power level of the characters too critical.

It is an easy thing to raise start XP, and/or use the option for higher starting characteristics for advanced acolytes in the DH2 core rulebook.

Anyway, I would bet on my mustache comb that the next Expansion to DH2 will be called something like:

Exploration & Profit - the Rogue Traders of Askellon

Including a lot of Background Information on famous askellon dynasties like Surena.

Edited by GauntZero