I am loving the sailing theme and mechanics of The Grey Havens. This weekend some other players and I are going to give the first scenario a try. I'm doing a few solo test runs to smooth out rules and get used to things.
Alright, so my first question that has come up involves the Treachery card "Boarding Party" and the Enemy card "Cunning Pirate."
During the questing phase I reveal the Boarding Party which says "When Revealed: Each player reveals the top card of the Corsair deck and puts it into play, engaged with him." So since I'm playing solo I reveal one card from the Corsair deck and it turns out to be a Cunning Pirate. Now, Cunninh Pirate reads "Forced: When Cunning Pirate engages you, discard an attachment you control and place resources on Cunninh Pirate equal to that attachment's printed cost."
I'm wondering if the wording on Boarding Party "...puts it into play, engaged..." would trigger the Forced reaction on Cunning Pirate "When Cunning Pirate engages you."? It's the phrasing that makes me think it wouldn't trigger because Cunning Pirate comes into play already engaged, no engaging actually occurs.