Fluffy Time!

By MorbidDon, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

OK we can all agree that 40k's lore is esoteric, ambiguous, and in some cases inconstant - fine no problem!

By that logic after doing my learning here and elsewhere - one has to make 40k "theirs" as a Gamemaster

Due to the sheer amount of data available - the lore in some cases is a bit lacking - and yes in support of the unknowing almost primitive nature of man's understanding of things around him + propaganda we end up with the explanation we are given or come to the conclusion to - that's fine as well!

But for me and some others - making 40k yours involves a bit more pondering and of course solving some of the 40k mysteries whether they be fluff or rules...

So today I will post my ideas for my own 40k Universe (which someone here on the forums once dubbed the Morbidverse lol)

1. The Illustrated Men / Women of 40k (appearances)
So if you look at the art presented most of the time the humans illustrated are fine specimens rippling with muscle and erect by great posture - lol! That's fine and dandy - but why - why do humans now looks so well healthy? In the Morbidverse the Imperium of man has adopted putting nanites in their food which is passed through the system - thus its a continual process of maintenance - these nanites go to your muscles and make microscopic tears (like working out) - resulting in the statuesque humans well all see - disagree - how many fat Navigators or Skinny Scum do you actually see depicted in either visual art or the miniatures? For me this provides a plausible yet mysterious solution most people including high ups are even aware of - would most really even care - would most even know to question their state of vigor as compared to us some 38,000 past - prolly not - to them muscles and such are normal - and as such we as a species have engineers ourselves as far as we can without becoming Abhumans!

2. Las Fire (audio cues?)

I've been going over this detail on the forums as of late and will proved here a link to that discussion...



Wait, what individuals looking healthy are you talking about??

Look at the art they put on novels, in the books, everywhere - heck just go to the roles - and look at each nice looking specimen...

I'm really not going to detail where it is - its sooo common of an occurance throughout the art - thus my push for an explination

I never said Plebs, Serfs, or the Dregs of society fall it this - just all the people they put in the art - normally they dont focus in on plebs, serfs, and or the dregs.

Its an observation

On that note - this is an expression and by no means dictates what 40k is - as expressed in my whole Morbidverse intro lol

Edited by MorbidDon

Funny enough Google "40K Humans" as an Image Search - that should do it for ya

Edited by MorbidDon

Or, you know, they only draw art of the physically fit ones. It is like propaganda, you don't find your ugly, cross-eyed and hunchbacked (from malnutrition) penal guardsman to put on a poster, you find Strong-Shoulders McChiseled-Chin and you have him do a heroic pose.

Again I will explain it away as good nutrition / tech advancement - heck we give out live stock all sort of junk

On top of that is its all Man vs. Everybody else in the Galaxy - then again that supports "advancements" in nutrition and or artificial enhancements to health overall... what happens when mankind is besieged at his home - well then everybody is gonna fight now aren't they - keep in mind from what I gather THIS WILL HAPPEN one day whether that be end times or not for 40k!~

As per propaganda - sure - thats why I divorce myself from Games Work Shop Warhammer 40k "Vanilla World" or whatever it can be designated as


The Morbidverse exists outside of THAT Dimension that you cling so hard too LOL (same premise as Marvel's mutliverse)


Edited by MorbidDon

Has anyone ever heard of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld LOL?!

On top of that is its all Man vs. Everybody else in the Galaxy - then again that supports "advancements" in nutrition and or artificial enhancements to health overall... what happens when mankind is besieged at his home - well then everybody is gonna fight now aren't they - keep in mind from what I gather THIS WILL HAPPEN one day whether that be end times or not for 40k!~

Or that support the fact that mankind's life are cheap and we just send more to the meatgrinder.

Look at the art they put on novels, in the books, everywhere - heck just go to the roles - and look at each nice looking specimen...

75+% of the art of 40k I've seen is of people with pallid flesh, organic parts replaced by bionic ones and not completely human.

Others a guardsmen, and when you look at real life military men, they tend to be slim and even muscular, because they train hard so much (or at least, in my country it is the case).

Finally, the roles you speak about are those of acolytes of the Inquisition. It is sure that to make such a job, you must have the physical prerequisites.

2. Las Fire (audio cues?)

I've been going over this detail on the forums as of late and will proved here a link to that discussion...


The lasgun shoot a beam of energy (and not necessarily condensed light) that burns through the air, which make a noise.

One of the problems with 40k lore (although it's only a problem if you let it concern you) is when they use numbers to convey scale- they pull the numbers out of their arse with no thought as to the feasibility of it. Crew numbers in Imperial ships is a good example. I tone the numbers down a bit but also see the given figures for what they are, numbers given to provide a sense of scale rather than something hard and accurate. Accuracy means little in a fantasy universe like 40k, but I'd like the numbers to be a little more believable ;)

As for everything else, the rule of cool wins out for me.

I tone the numbers down a bit but also see the given figures for what they are, numbers given to provide a sense of scale rather than something hard and accurate. Accuracy means little in a fantasy universe like 40k, but I'd like the numbers to be a little more believabl

lol, actually, I'm quite sure that the ships would need to have bigger crew.

The NCSM Iroquois (a Canadian Destroyer) being 129,8 metres by 15,20 metres by 4,7 metres was operated by 282 staff members.

Take an endeavour class light cruiser from battlefleet koronus (p.26); he is 3,8km by 0,5 km. It is crewed by 67 500

The NCSM Iroquois is crewed by an average 7 crew membres per square metre.

The Endeavour is crewed by an average 28 crew membres per square metres.

The endeavour seems to have 4 times the number of crew membre per square metres of the ship, but the NCSM Iroquois has 4,5 metres high, while I'm prettysure that the Endeavour is much more than 20 metres high.

So when look at it this way...it's clear that battleship stats are not exagerated in comparison to real life. At least in proportions. They even seem to be lacking.

Are the ships in 40k too huge? That's another question.

I like city-sized ships; you can do an entire series of small campaigns on a single ship! Having massive machines people barely comprehend maintaining their life through rites they don't even understand... Entire ship-borne cultures, every ship a semi-unique biome...

Also, one does need to keep in mind the height of the ships as well. If there's a deck every 5 meters or so (giving a lot of leeway for armor, venting, air, etc.), you get 100 decks for a ship that is .5km tall, not including towers or narrow sections.

Okay, I am somewhat...merry right now so don't quote me. But 18,000 members is what I remember reading for a cobra class

Destroyer which is described as 1.5km long and most of its space is dedicated to the storage of torpedoes. Even with fully manual systems I can't see it taking 18,000 crew members to operate...

I dont quite know why, but, MorbidDon, somehow your posts tend to totally confuse me...


Okay, I am somewhat...merry right now so don't quote me. But 18,000 members is what I remember reading for a cobra class

Destroyer which is described as 1.5km long and most of its space is dedicated to the storage of torpedoes. Even with fully manual systems I can't see it taking 18,000 crew members to operate...

But a normal modern ship has also a lot of his space taken up by torpedoes, ammo, engines, etc.

I should talk with my father about it (old member of the military navy, served on the NCSM Montcalm, which is the same kind of ship as the Iroquois if I remember well).

I like city-sized ships; you can do an entire series of small campaigns on a single ship! Having massive machines people barely comprehend maintaining their life through rites they don't even understand... Entire ship-borne cultures, every ship a semi-unique biome...

To be honest, in a universe like 40k, I don't think that anything other than a ship this size would be practical. You have to go for long lenght of time in deep space, would have to be able to transport troops, to be fairly autonomous and to wield the arsenal of fighting a complete world if necessary.

Of course, we simple could have more ships, but I think that is better with bigger ones, since in space weight have not much importance anyway.

I dont quite know why, but, MorbidDon, somehow your posts tend to totally confuse me...

No Worries;

This Post was to address home-brew fluff changes people made to their 40k Universe in order to explain away the fluff presented and or to introduce new ideas into the mix...

A. So I started off with the way people look and why - nutrition vs. working out the old fashion way (nuff said there, I made a statement not posed a question)

B. I revisited / linked my discussion with people about how and why Lasers make sound...

C. Pending Next Topic = LOL

Gist; I no longer need to be led by Gameswork Shop for lore and how to dress my Universe - why would you depend on a source of information that is never consistent - by that factor nothing should be concrete / set in stone...