I want more crunch in the endeavor rules!
It's pretty cool so far, but I want a far more boardgamey system to simulate the vast army of NPCs of my RT fleet trying to get various endeavors done.
Almost all of the pieces are in place, but there doesn't seem to be any specific rules on how you resolve endeavors that are being handled by NPCs and not by PCs.
Of course the GM could just hand wave whatever is needed for the story, fine, but if you want to play a more sandbox type of game then it needs "simulator" rules.
I want to see a full blown ameritrash/euro hybrid boardgame that simulates a whole campaign of endeavors snaking out into a region of space, detailing all sorts of nuances like stable warp routes, pirates and rebellions, trade routes and embargoes, etc.
I know it's not going to happen, because it would be clearly awesome, and while FF is all about awesomeness it can't go that far.
Anyway, it seems simple enough to just use the test mechanics with their modifiers and then have a "crew rating" of say, 5 to 25 to represent various levels of crew competency and the other support resources going into an endeavor to make it happen.
But I want to have to sit there making strategic decisions with the profit value, gambling certain amounts to boost this or that endeavor and then deciding within a certain metric of time which endeavors we'll play out as PCs to more reliably resolve them.