Glowing Jawa Eyes... Natural, Cybernetic or just Goggles?

By RodianClone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Sometimes it looks like masks and goggles under the hoods in the films(naturally enough), so I started flavouring it like that in my game. No real answer here, but which do you find most interesting?

This thread is JUST FOR FUN!

They are lightsaber crystals. Naturally.


I saw something that conjectured they maybe have a full head mask/wrap with the eye protection under their hoods. That works for me.

I always thought the light we see under their robes is reflecting light like with cats eyes.

The Jawas are Tatooines wizards of technological scavenging, I reckon goggles against glare.

The costumes themselves had full wrap face masks no so unlike Sandpeople helms. Rumor has it they are vaguely rodent like, and also possibly related to Sand People. If they are a normally nocturnal race then it is likely they are light dampening goggles, possibly with built in sensors to cope with Tatooines twin suns and sensors for scrap metals or other things.

It is possible they have a cultural taboo against being uncovered in the presence of strangers or folk not family, or outside certain rituals. Who knows, its stuff you get to make up for your own campaign. Make if fun for the players whatever you decide to do.

It is possible they are incredibly adorable under those masks, or possibly a bunch of Ewoks transported there millennia ago who adapted technology to survive desert life. Imagine the PC's surprise when they see one unmasked. ;)

They are said to be rodents yes. So the Jawa player in my group decided his character looked like a naked mole-rat when his hood came off... That doesn`t mean all jawas in our game look like that, but he or his kind of jawa does(.. maybe it`s just him)..

Edited by RodianClone

I've always assumed the eyes were natural. I've never seen a Jawa without the glowing eyes. I have always thought that if it were technological we'd see at least the occasional one who's eyes don't glow.

Or possibly it's space magic.

I came across this picture a while ago, which I loved. I really liked the idea that Jawas are cyborgs collecting all the scrap to build themselves up beneath their robes.



I believe that they are wearing goggles. The Tusken Raiders or their parent species had glowing eyes.

Google Glasses. Those are recording indicator lights. ;)

I've always assumed the eyes were natural. I've never seen a Jawa without the glowing eyes. I have always thought that if it were technological we'd see at least the occasional one who's eyes don't glow.

Or possibly it's space magic.

They are whatever we want them to be! :)