Deathwatch skirmish game rumor

By Adeptus-B, in Deathwatch

The tabletop gaming news site Bell of Lost Souls is reporting a rumor that Games Workshop is going to be releasing a 'Deathwatch vs. Genestealer Cult' skirmish game:

That sounds like a cool concept to me, but I take every rumor BoLS reports with a grain of salt, after they pushed the rumor that GW was going to be releasing an Inquisition-based skirmish game 'just in time for Christmas' (two Christmases ago...). The article says that there is some kind of confirmation in the new White Dwarf ; since I no longer collect WD (why would I?), I can neither confirm or deny this...

Edited by Adeptus-B

It's not a rumour! (/Arnie)

Hybrids! FINALLY they return!!! :D


[And armoured limousines? Are we gonna have armoured limousines? If yes, count me in]

It looks like it's going to be more of a board game than a free-form skirmish game. So. no new terrain pieces (and probably no limousines...).

But more tiles (wonderful for the RPG) and tons of plastic Hybrids! I can't wait.


Edited by H.B.M.C.