
By PanKalich, in Forbidden Stars


I have noticed that in the rules it is written that only one builing is allowed to be built on the planet (page 9 - Deploy orders - Players cannot place a structure on the world that already has a structure on it) ... on the other hand i recall few event cards saying something like "all structures/bastions on the world" (cannot recall precisely as I dont have the cards with me now) ... which kind of doesnt make sense in regards previous rules statement.

Can anyone clarify how many structures/bastions can be on one world?

Thank you

Edited by PanKalich

A world can only have a single building existing on it at any time exactly as the Deploy orders state. There is, however, an Upgrade Card for the Eldar (Wraithbone Singers if I recall correctly) that allows the Eldar player to place two buildings of a different type on a single world. I would imagine that the Event cards you refer to are phrased in the way they are to show that if an Eldar player has used this card then all the buildings are affected by them.

Edited by Tantavalist


I have noticed that in the rules it is written that only one builing is allowed to be built on the planet (page 9 - Deploy orders - Players cannot place a structure on the world that already has a structure on it) ... on the other hand i recall few event cards saying something like "all structures/bastions on the world" (cannot recall precisely as I dont have the cards with me now) ... which kind of doesnt make sense in regards previous rules statement.

Can anyone clarify how many structures/bastions can be on one world?

Thank you

Rules Reference Page 6, Right Column, DEPLOY ORDER , Item "2. Purchase Structure", second exception point...

"» A world cannot contain more than one structure unless a

card or faction ability specifically states otherwise."
Rules Reference Page 7, Right Column, FACTORIES , Item "2. Purchase Structure", second exception point...
"» Some cards allow a player to have two factories on the
same world. That world’s unit capacity is doubled when
determining that player’s deploy limit."
Rules Reference Page 13, Left Column, STRUCTURES , second bullet point...
"• A player cannot build a structure on a world that already
contains a structure unless an ability specifically allows it."
Hope this helps to answer your question.

Yes, thank you both. Now it is clear ... unless any other card/ability specifically allows it, there cannot built more than one building on any one world.

Edited by PanKalich

A good rule of thumb with FFG (and really all board games when you get down to it) is when a card contradicts the rule book, the card takes precedence.