[Brooklyn, NY] Winter Kit Tournament Saturday March 26th @ Nu Brand Gaming

By competitioninme, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Nu Brand Gaming Armada Winter Kit, Saturday March 26th

Located at:
Nu Brand Gaming
194 31st street
Brooklyn, NY 11232

Registration begins at 10:00AM, first round starts promptly at 11AM

Entry Fee: $15 \ $10 if you are a nu brand gaming member.

Tournament Structure:

There will be a 400 point fleet point limit.
Please bring a copy of your list with you.
We will be using fantasy flight’s official tournament rules at casual level, these can always be found here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/star-wars-armada/

Swiss pairings
There will be three 135 minute swiss rounds

Prize support
1st: Imperial Logo Medal + alt art Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer
2-4th: Acrylic Squadron Tokens + alt art Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer
5-8th: Star Destroyer Dice Bag
Participation prize: Alt art X-wing Squadron

Hope to see you there!

