After a long while of sharing RPG ideas and posting all sort of nonsense here and elsewhere on the web - I've come to the conclusion that there are vast amounts of player bias whereby loosely worded language is chosen over hard defined suggestions & house rules which do not benefit PCs but rather keep the game legitimate / fair
Jokingly the humans who work at FFG obviously didn't create an air tight roleplaying game - otherwise half of these posts wouldn't be here?!
Let's simplify this concept of Fair Play in gaming or absolute Rules Neutrality (for sake of argument - F fun)
I'm willing to bet if "Chess" was subject to loose language and bias - it would not have lasted the test of time
Take any long lasting game that spans the generations - poker, checkers, whatever
Lets see if this line of RPGs lasts 80 years or longer? (my bet is it will not)
How old is Chess now?
I had to rant on this as I find it hard to put my faith in forums with people who may exhibit Player Bias
Just my two Gelt - otherwise I can F off myself I know LOL
Take Care