Buying items and sharing them

By Templarion2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

When, where and how can heroes share the items they buy from a shop?

I know that heroes can share the loot from the chest in the way they want but I am understood that items bought from the shop cannot be shared in the same way. Can heroes share items while they are traveling? Are heroes able to share items only during the encounters and the dungeons?

You can trade items freely while on the overland map. If you shopped while in the dungeon you'll have to move to them and spend a movement point for every item you hand off, as normal.

And where in the rules they say that? I would like to read it myself, too, because I have not found anything that says it clearly.

It's in the FAQ.

Q: Under what circumstances can the heroes trade items, drink potions, and recover fatigue?
A: In addition to the normal in-dungeon rules for trading, drinking and resting, any time the hero party is on the overland Terrinoth map, they may freely trade items and drink any number of potions. They also are restored to full fatigue as soon as they end any quest, be it dungeon or encounter.

Hey, thanks for the answer.

Mr McMurray has covered the Overland trading rules, but just to be clear with regards to in dungeon trading, the heroes need to be adjacent and the giving hero needs to spend 1 MP per item. That means you can only give items on your turn, you can't receive them from heroes you pass by (they need to spend the MP, not you.) Also, loot from treasure chests is distributed randomly and must be traded around using the normal rules if the item went to the "wrong" hero. ie: if the tank gets a magic rune, he needs to go give it to the wizard, they don't just trade when the chest is opened. There's a skill card that grants one hero the ability to collect all the treasure cards and distribute them as he sees fit after opening a chest, so this is an important detail to remember.

Maybe you already knew that, but I thought I'd say it anyway since we're discussing item trading.

Steve-O said:

Also, loot from treasure chests is distributed randomly and must be traded around using the normal rules if the item went to the "wrong" hero. ie: if the tank gets a magic rune, he needs to go give it to the wizard, they don't just trade when the chest is opened.

True for the regular Descent but not for RtL: p. 17 "Potions and items discovered in chests are divided among the heroes as the hero players wish. Heroes may immediately equip any items they discover in chests, as usual"

Also, Bardic Lore (the skill card for distributing treasures) does not exist in Road to Legend, as neither distribution nor prolonged actions are necessary.

Udutont said:

Steve-O said:

Also, loot from treasure chests is distributed randomly and must be traded around using the normal rules if the item went to the "wrong" hero. ie: if the tank gets a magic rune, he needs to go give it to the wizard, they don't just trade when the chest is opened.

True for the regular Descent but not for RtL: p. 17 "Potions and items discovered in chests are divided among the heroes as the hero players wish. Heroes may immediately equip any items they discover in chests, as usual"

True, although I play that whichever hero opens the chest gets the items, and has to pass them off. It's more realistic, and if you were to get Mata and Kata, they wouldn't be completely worthless.