Lets talk Bad Motivator!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Even the description of what a Triumph can do (trigger door controls to shut a door on reinforcements) can be replicated by use of the Bad Motivator talent.

Bad Motivator has a wider selection of devices to choose from (any device, period) and less room for the GM to say no. Plus a talent that someone laid 15 points out on is suppose to be more versatile and awesome than just flipping a point. Plus, what happens if you don't have a point to flip?

Atama was talking about Triumphs not DP.

BTT: I don't like the Talent in General, because it's too vague and very abusable in my opinion, opening situations like: "Grandmoff Tarkin, it seems the Superlaser is currently inoperable." - Which I would detest to happen in a crucial moment of my campaign.

It's not like Obi-Wan did not exactly this with the tractor beam of the death star right before the falcon made his daring escape.

Though the talent is anyway never an auto-win against anyone, a simple destiny point can introduce stuff to compensate anyway.

BTT: I don't like the Talent in General, because it's too vague and very abusable in my opinion, opening situations like: "Grandmoff Tarkin, it seems the Superlaser is currently inoperable." - Which I would detest to happen in a crucial moment of my campaign.

It's not like Obi-Wan did not exactly this with the tractor beam of the death star right before the falcon made his daring escape.

Not to drag this back up, but... Obi Wan actively went and did something to make that happen, it wasn't just a player using a talent to invoke a dramatic "random" coincidence/contrivance.

Bad Motivator IMO is the ability to create a despair roll for the opponent while using a technological device, not the ability to destroy anything manmade by just looking at it.

Edited by Aetrion

Bad Motivator IMO is the ability to create a despair roll for the opponent while using a technological device, not the ability to destroy anything manmade by just looking at it.

What happens within the "reality" of the game, or is attempted by a character in that "reality", to initiate that roll?

If the answer is "nothing", then there's absolutely no real or functional difference between "despair roll" and "eyeballing the device until it breaks".

This week's Awesome Use of Bad Motivator? So there we were, running away from casino security, up in the hotel portion of the establishment. Looking for a place to hide, I jump into the laundry chute. The problem is? With the despair from the athletics roll, it wasn't the laundry chute, but the hotel's waste disposal and reclamation system. Next thing I know, here I am hanging over the lip of the chute by my fingertips, nothing but roaring inferno of death below me and hotel security above me calling for my surrender.

"Ah," I say, "this is a Taggco B-7 Incinerator. Once a day they go into self cleaning mode for half an hour for internal maintenance! And that window should be coming up" - glances at watch - "right about. . . . now!"

And I drop to safety into the now shut down Incinerator, scurry away to an access hatch and into the depths of the casino. Whew!