HB Deck

By Misfit Toy, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I am new to Netrunner and was hoping to get advice on this Haas Bioroid deck. I only have the core set, Chrome City, Kala Ghoda, and What Lies Ahead any help would be appreciated.

HB 2.0 (49 cards)
Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
-- Agenda (0 cards)
3 Accelerated Beta Test
3 Advanced Concept Hopper
1 Mandatory Upgrades
2 Priority Requisition
-- Asset (0 cards)
2 Adonis Campaign
2 Aggressive Secretary
2 PAD Campaign
2 Project Junebug
-- ICE (0 cards)
2 Clairvoyant Monitor
3 Enigma
2 Heimdall 1.0
1 Ice Wall
3 Ichi 1.0
2 Rototurret
2 Snowflake
2 Viktor 1.0
3 Wall of Static
-- Operation (0 cards)
1 Anonymous Tip
1 Archived Memories
2 Beanstalk Royalties
2 Biotic Labor
1 Hedge Fund
1 Shipment from Kaguya
2 Shipment from MirrorMorph
-- Upgrade (0 cards)
2 Ash 2X3ZB9CY

Not bad choices considering your card pool.

I would go with Caduceus over Clairvoyant Monitor--that ice is going to be unreliable and will tax you while simultaneously not being very worrisome.

You don't have a lot of money in here--3 Hedge Funds is better than spending influence on Beanstalk Royalties, although both is legitimate.

Ash is a great card when you can make money hand over fist--Melange Mining Corp early game behind a piece of cheap gear-check ETR might be a better add than Anonymous Tip and Shipment from Kaguya, which I don't see you getting much value out of in this deck.

Grimwalker I took your advice for some of the deck and modded it. I just want to a local tourney and get two Jackson Howard and the creation and control box, I am think of taking out the biotic labor and putting them in thoughts? Also any other additions or subtractions?

HB 2.1 (49 cards)
Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
-- Agenda (0 cards)
3 Accelerated Beta Test
3 Advanced Concept Hopper
1 Mandatory Upgrades
2 Priority Requisition
-- Asset (0 cards)
2 Adonis Campaign
2 Aggressive Secretary
2 Melange Mining Corp.
2 PAD Campaign
2 Project Junebug
-- ICE (0 cards)
2 Caduceus
3 Enigma
2 Heimdall 1.0
1 Ice Wall
3 Ichi 1.0
2 Rototurret
2 Snowflake
2 Viktor 1.0
3 Wall of Static
-- Operation (0 cards)
2 Beanstalk Royalties
2 Biotic Labor
2 Hedge Fund
2 Shipment from MirrorMorph
-- Upgrade (0 cards)
2 Ash 2X3ZB9CY

I have found my economy is fluctuating more than I would care for.

3 Hedge Fund is a must--there is no reason you'd run Beanstalk Royalties before adding a third Hedge Fund. Definitely throw in the Jacksons. Snowflake is crappy ice, it sucks for the same reasons that Clairvoyant Monitor sucks: as soon as it's rezzed, they can just run at it over and over again, bidding $0, forcing you to continuously spend $1 or $2 every time to keep them out.

20 ice is arguably too many--go down to 17 or even 16 ice and see if the extra slots do better for other cards.