I'm posting for one of my friends who isn't on the forums here - though I expect he'll join up soon.
He is looking for players to join his weekly Deathwatch game. The session begins on Sundays at 9am eastern (USA) and lasts for 5-6 hours . He will be hosting an online game using skype and roll20.
He plans on running squad focused, true-to-lore Deathwatch game where the action and events are player driven . Your choices and actions determine not only the outcome of the missions but how the NPCs treat and deal with you. He prefers people with a working understanding of 40k lore/knowledge who also familiar with the Deathwatch rules for combat, squad/solo mod, errata stats (etc.). Character creation has been modified to customize an individual Marine – so you can have an assault marine who is great at shooting or a devastator who gets up close and personal. But it also focuses on RP rather than power gaming.
As I am helping my friend organize, you should message me here on the forum OR email me at nijal.brokentooth@gmail.com if you’re interested in joining.