WFRP 2nd Edition Enemy Within Campaign

By Xyd, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hey folks,

I've shared this blog over at the strike to stun forum, but figured I'd pop a link here as well.

The categories on the left can be used to navigate and are in chronological order. Expect the odd typo/spelling mistake and loose grammar, cause when I do a blog I quickfire it and only root out the most obvious of mistakes. The burden of being a working man with little time...

To give a brief introduction to the game that has been going on for a year now. The game started in February last year, and looks set to continue on well into 2016. I've been very lucky to experience no turnover of players in my game. I know from reading and participating in past games, player turnover can be quite high for extensive campaigns. But fortunately I've had the same group of players and look to continue that into the new year.

I am running the Enemy Within campaign (using 2nd edition) and right now the party find themselves about a week after the events of Shadows over Bogenhafen, undoubtedly the most popular segment of the entire campaign, and feedback from my players is that they enjoyed it immensely. Naturally I've added in my own elements into the campaign. I'm not a fan of playing a campaign literally, from the campaign book, as the original campaign suffers from some glaring issues that pop up later, so I aimed to correct this in my own way all the while tailoring the story to the characters themselves, so that they actually feel like they have a personal claim in the story, rather than just going along for the ride.

Note: The last blog entry is dated November, but there were a few games since then. Took a full break in December, and didn't start again till late January. So the blog will be updated with the addition of 3 previous sessions condensed into one post.

Edited by Xyd

Great blog mate! Been reading it for days and Im inmersed like reading a fantasy novel. Congratulations.

Im really curious about how you managed to adapt the Enemy Within Campaign to the 2nd edition rules. Did you manage to create the conversions, stats, creatures, etc? Or did you use any auxiliary book or sthing? Thank you , and greetings!

Glad that your enjoying it. We play bi-weekly every Tuesday, and I'm not really consistent as when the blog might go up. It might go up on a Wednesday or take a full week, but I'm trying to hammer that down and get it up regularly the next day after the game.

Conversion for the stats was relatively easy - Just a matter of common sense for most of it. I know that's not saying much as to how its done but it's quite simple. There's not much difference really with 1st edition to 2nd edition stat wise. An npc in 1st edition will have the same layout, WS / BS / S / T and then Dex which is basically Agility, etc. Most of the changes I make I do so based on the party composition. So very little conversion needs done really. I know if your playing 3rd edition however using 1st edition campaign books (or 2nd edition) conversion is very difficult to work out.

Gideon for example in Shadows Over Bogenhafen had awful 1st edition stats that would make him a pushover for the party. I did away with all his stats, and generated him anew using the 2nd edition rules for generating npcs, and gave him champion stats, buffing him up considerably to make him a threat, rather than a laughable one.

I've done that for a few npcs, but for a few small number I just keep their stats as they were in 1st edition without any major changes.

Anyhow, glad that your enjoying the blog. Next game is 29th of this month, and it should be a joy.