New article up: Ancient Apocrypha spoiler and some thought on factions.

By marius8, in CoC General Discussion

This weeks story card is spoiled: Ancient Apocrypha - As well as some (maybe apocryphical ;) ) thoughts on factions. Enjoy!

Nice article - I'd have marked it five stars except it seems to be for the "Call of Cthluhu: Living Card Game ", and there's no way I'm risking upsetting HIM... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Don't worry, this game has a long history of funny spelling mistakes. Well, some were more grating than funny, but you get the gist of it

Don't worry, the spelling errors don't bother me much, I usually just tease people about them (with my typing skills, I make plenty myself!). sonrojado.gif

If you're a Lovecraft fan, you can't expect people to get the names of mythos entities right all the time, and for some of the other writers who follow on from HPL, many creature and deity names look like something fell on their keyboard or a cat walked across it and they kept the results! Can have it's advantages though, on EBay I've got searches saved for 'Cthulhu' and a couple of variant spellings, it's interesting how often the 'errors' find items for sale relatively cheap because the 'proper' searches miss them....

RobertIain said:

Don't worry, the spelling errors don't bother me much, I usually just tease people about them (with my typing skills, I make plenty myself!). sonrojado.gif

If you're a Lovecraft fan, you can't expect people to get the names of mythos entities right all the time, and for some of the other writers who follow on from HPL, many creature and deity names look like something fell on their keyboard or a cat walked across it and they kept the results! Can have it's advantages though, on EBay I've got searches saved for 'Cthulhu' and a couple of variant spellings, it's interesting how often the 'errors' find items for sale relatively cheap because the 'proper' searches miss them....

pfeew... I thought I spelled Cthulhu wrong somewhere. Turns out to be only a typo in the news software. And noone noticed it until now, even though the previous article had the same catagory name. :)

As Cthulhu said in one of those Calls for Cthulhu things: It's more like a mental thing. After all, no human would be able to write down or pronounce Cthulhu's actual name, only slightly approach it's wicked sylables...

to serve man is my favorite twilight zone episode.

this is a story i dont think id use much but its concept seems a staple at this point so i can see why it was included. plus the 'character' restriction might be worth playing it if the opponent keeps recycling characters or something.

i dont think we'll ever see a domain destruction card though. that would be worse than rip-off

The new story deck is getting better and better.

I'm not very fond of the art of this new card, but I love the effect.

Removing every character from an opponent's discard pile, even at the cost of him gaining a new Domain with plenty of ressources, seems very interesting indeed.

Can't wait to see the next spoiled card.

Nice Artcicle Marius !

Hope to see the next article soon.

[Like you said : A group of gamers gathered behind the walls of the 12th century castle to play their favorite games, and one of these games was the largest Call of Cthulhu tournament Europe has witnessed. ..... The largest one being the French National tournament (18 players ) ??? demonio.gif ]


The largest one being the French National tournament (18 players ) ??? demonio.gif ]

It went on for three days ;) I heard there where plans for Stahleck 2009, so I hope you'll join in and bring those players as well. :D

Best article yet, Marius, and a very interesting card.

I think you are wise to include the 'background' information for new players, even though it makes writing the article considerably more work for youl.


I'm really liking the new stories so far. I wonder if there's any chance of getting some spoilers for non-story cards prior to the Core Set release?

Kennon said:

I wonder if there's any chance of getting some spoilers for non-story cards prior to the Core Set release?

I too hope we will see some of them.

In fact, a story AND another card every week would be awfully nice.

Johan Scipion said:

Kennon said:

I wonder if there's any chance of getting some spoilers for non-story cards prior to the Core Set release?

I too hope we will see some of them.

In fact, a story AND another card every week would be awfully nice.

thats a great idea, you should be president or ceo of ffg. less than a month away (if they stick to the jan date) and we only have 1 non-story card official spolied. i think with agot they did plots and another card.

Correction, we have no non-story cards spoiled...because there won't be any non-story cards in the core that have not previously appeared.

Marius continues to provide for the community. Thanks! We sure are a tough crowd. I thought the article was perfectly edited myself. I'll let the tacticians of the bunch dissect the new story card. Trapping characters under a domain who would otherwise recur does sound cool. Which faction benefits most, I wonder - rush or beefy character.

PearlJamaholic said:

thats a great idea, you should be president or ceo of ffg.

Thanks but no thanks. Trying to please the Call of Cthulhu hardcore fans that we are would give me too much headaches. gran_risa.gif

More seriously : two cards per week would be great, even if they are reprints.

I'm very curious to know which cards will be reprinted and what will the errata be.

johnny shoes said:

Correction, we have no non-story cards spoiled...because there won't be any non-story cards in the core that have not previously appeared.

Marius continues to provide for the community. Thanks! We sure are a tough crowd. I thought the article was perfectly edited myself. I'll let the tacticians of the bunch dissect the new story card. Trapping characters under a domain who would otherwise recur does sound cool. Which faction benefits most, I wonder - rush or beefy character.

they spolied the arkham cthulhu minus the loyal keyword and with white border.

In AGOT land, we had a new card spoiled with a paragraph or so of article with each each day for...... I believe it was two weeks prior to the "release" of the Core set. Of course, we quibble over the fact that the Core set was not really released for months after that, but still, we should be very near having something similar done for CoC as well.

If it will be done, that is.