Shadow of the Imperium (New Thread)
Aksai Kerath, Feral World Blank
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Art by the player
Render by a different player
Edited by CogniczarBarbossa Mordicae, Archmagos of the Heraion-Explorator Fleet of Mandragora Sector
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Praetorian Servitor Leo
Art by Sarukin
Art by Blazbaros
Edited by CogniczarScythius Eizen, The Alpha, Imperial Psyker and first of Project Salvation
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Art by Saru
Art by Sarukin
Edited by CogniczarSilas, Son of the Void
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Art by Sarukin
Edited by CogniczarInquisitor Yvonne Mengsk
Art by Sarukin
Art by my Father
Mirai Shou discovers the lost Data-Slate of the Late Inquisitor Yvonne Mengsk, Circa M41
Art by Blazbaros
Edited by CogniczarGrendal Vazquez of House Borgia, Noble from the far off Askellon Sector
Allies and Enemies
Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Solomon Praetus, Six-Jay
Art by Blazbaros
Arbitrator Kiva Zidori
Art by Saru
Arbitrator Kiva Zidori
Art by my Father
Heretical Sorceress Angel Valentine
Art by Sarukin
Angel's Rage
Art by Sarukin
Daemon Companion Fell
Imperial Psyker and Diviner Coriola Maridnara
Art by Sarukin
Inquisitor Lord Pious Mengala
Art by Sarukin
Edited by CogniczarLogos for Roll20 board
Silly Stuff
The differences between myself and a fellow GM
Saru's depiction of myself. Lord Cogniczar Messiahcide
Nirvana Val
Perellian Guardsmen
Project Salvation Sentinel
Silas Mandragor
Grendal Vazquez Borgia
Herald of Tzeentch Kiva Zidori
Coriola Maridnara
Scythius Eizen
Inquisitor Pious Mengala of the Ordo Malleus
Praetorian Servitor Leo
Aksai Kerath
Inquisitor Yvonne Mengsk
Barbossa Mordicae
The Alpha
Aksai against the Perellian Regiment that attacked him
Art by Blazbaros
Very Cool
Not my favoured art style for 40k (too much manga) - but you are a gifted artist without a doubt.
The Marines Infernal
Art by Blazbaros
Original Army Painter + Photoshop concept of the Marines Infernal
The Marines Infernal
The Marines Infernal are part of the Astartes Praeses, one of the twenty chapters founded to act as Guardians surrounding the Eye of Terror. They held bastion over the galactic Rimward and trailing of the Eye of Terror, including the Dread Mandragora, Ixiniad, and Finial Sector passages.
Edited by CogniczarAnd after a year, the final conclusion of my campaign came to an end as the party was stuck between Ahriman of the Thousand Sons and the Laughing God and Harlequins defending the Black Library.
Crew of Acolytes that joined us during the last session. Inquisitrix Anina Alona, Cogboy Dominus Titus, and Imperial Psyker Mirai Shou.
Art by Jeyra
Edited by Cogniczar
Latest image. Enjoy
Astropath Palanza Myriana