[Brooklyn, NY] Winter Kit @ Nu Brand Gaming 3/5/16

By competitioninme, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Nu Brand Gaming A Game of Thrones LCG Winter Kit tournament, Saturday March 5th

Located at:

Nu Brand Gaming

194 31st street

Brooklyn, NY 11232

40 player maximum, so pre-registration is highly encouraged!

Registration begins at 10:00AM, first round starts promptly at 11AM

Entry Fee: $15 \ $10 if you are a nu brand gaming member.

Pre-Register via paypal to NuBrandGaming@icloud.com with "Game of Thrones Winter Kit" in the comments with your first and last name

Tournament Structure:

Joust (1v1)

Swiss pairings

3-5 55 minute rounds depending on attendance

Prize support

1st: Lord Commander Mormont playmat

2nd & 3rd: Tumblestone Knight alt art

4th-8th: Night's Watch deck box

top 16: Fortified Position alt art

Additional store credit will be given out based upon attendance.

Hope to see you there!

Edited by competitioninme