FFG POD Pleeeeeeeease

By alexbobspoons, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

Please ffg release the pod ap's that you said you would.

Right now the game still has a fanbase and momentum and you can make $$$$ from people desperate to complete collections but the longer you wait, slowly people lose interest and the potential sales slip away.

Please release them asap. POD products don't even show on your upcoming page so interest can be so easily lost.

I got money here for you.


+1. It can't be that hard to make another AP available via POD, can it? This should be an easy way to make money for FFG.

+1. It can't be that hard to make another AP available via POD, can it? This should be an easy way to make money for FFG.

Agreed and to be fully completely honest, the people interested in these products would not even be bothered if the POD packs had the usual nice front and back cards into the clamshell, just the actual cards themselves in the pack would be perfectly fine. True, FFG putting a bit of effort into a front and back would be appreciated, but if they really cant spare the manpower for that, then please, just the cards will do. "Its print-on-demmand" so theres no production run to bother about.

Please Mr FFG