UK Nationals - Aug 13th-14th, Birmingham ICC

By Akhrin, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Esdevium have announced that they're running a full range of FFG Nationals events this year, taking place in Birmingham.

I'll be travelling down from Edinburgh, hopefully coming down with a group of folk though I suspect their focus will be X-Wing.

Only 6 months to figure out what list to run though! There's not enough time!

Very useful, thanks Akhrin, but any news on where the Regionals are to be held?

Not sure, only Regionals I know of is the one for X-Wing in Birmingham in June, the Friday before the Yavin tournament. Still not seen any news on where/when they're happening for Armada around the country.

As far as Scottish Regionals go I believe Common Ground in Stirling's applied for one, not sure if any of the other tournament stores (Games Hub Edinburgh, Knightly Games Lanark come to mind) have applied or if that's just a one-horse-race.