Intel officer [targeting your own tokens]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Not sure if we had an answer to this... I finally got my reply today (forgot I even sent it in, it's been so long).

...and behold, it's NOT from Kniffen! :D

Hello, Bjorn.

In response to your question:

> Rules Question:
> Hi, Can a Intel Officer be used to target your own defense tokens?

Yes, a ship equipped with Intel Officer can choose one of its own defense tokens while resolving the card.

Thanks for your question!

Michael Gernes
Game Producer
[email protected]

Apologies if there has already been an extensive discussion thread about this but I find it a strange ruling.

Intel Officer Text: While attacking, after you roll your attack pool, you may exhaust this card to choose 1 defence token. If that token is spent during this attack, discard that token.

1. Roll your attack dice.

2. Nominate your own defence token on your ISD and exhaust your Intel Officer.

3. How do you then spend your own defence token DURING THIS ATTACK?

I assume the tactical reason for doing this is when you are using the ISD Devastator named upgrade.

Yeah, that's exactly where it came from. Whether it's legal or not has now been resolved; whether it's tactically sound or not remains an open question.

3. How do you then spend your own defence token DURING THIS ATTACK?

Vader, or Turbolaser Reroute Circuits.

At this point in time I believe only Devastator reaps a clear benefit from discarding tokens, but 1) a single example is enough to justify the ruling and 2) there may very well be future cards which interact with this.

Walex Blissex + TRC comes close, but doesn't really work because of Walex's restrictive timing. Otherwise you could spend an Evade while attacking to activate TRC, discard it with Intel Officer, then use Walex Blissex to immediately recover it on its ready side , so you could still use it in defense.

3. How do you then spend your own defence token DURING THIS ATTACK?

Vader, or Turbolaser Reroute Circuits.


Not the best tactic in the world but it could be useful. I think I would prefer to remove the opponents brace though.

Oh Hey! DA is Back!

Oh Hey! DA is Back!

...sort of. I'm back in civilization, as opposed to Mad Max territory, but it'll be a while before I can return to my previous level of activity.

Having said that, it warms my heart to know that people noticed my absence :lol:

I wasn't Kidding about Perth being the most Isolated city in the world and the people there know it :D

Yeah, and in case Perth wasn't uncivilized enough I then rented a 4WD and drove 2000 miles :D