"Resolve that effect again..."

By Trialus, in Rules questions & answers

Question about the new Skyward Volley and Evening Star cards that have effect that resolve multiple times depending on how many copies of that card are in your discard pile...what is the timing for playing events and them going into the discard pile? It would seem that the intention would be for the cards not to count themselves, but I'm a little fuzzy on the timing. So the first time you play one of those cards the effect seems like it should trigger 1 time? It shouldn't trigger 1 time for playing it and then a second time because it is now in the discard pile correct?

thanks for the help!

An event card resolves fully first, then it is placed in the discard pile. The first copy of this played wouldn't also trigger out of the discard pile because it has resolved fully before it entered the pile.

An event card resolves fully first, then it is placed in the discard pile. The first copy of this played wouldn't also trigger out of the discard pile because it has resolved fully before it entered the pile.

Just as a reminder for those that missed it, Caleb recently confirmed this (I am not sure it was ever explicitly ruled as such before):


Cool...thanks for the help!

Caleb & Matt were answering about use of these events with the attachments that let you re-use events in your discard pile, like Scroll of Isildur.

As for when an event goes in your discard pile when you play it normally, that's defined in the core set manual:

"An event card is played from a player’s hand, its text effects are resolved, and the card is then placed in its owner’s discard pile." (pg 9)

Ah, of course you're right. In my head I was clarifying something about the limbo state of event cards as they're being played, but I failed to remember that the Core set rules make it pretty clear.