House NPC's

By Commediante, in Only War House Rules

I didn't find such topic on Only War forum, so I made it myself. And there's my first entry:

Bomb Squig

Profile is the same as in Core Rulebook on page 367 with minor differences:

- In section Talents character should receive Sprint and Frenzy Talents.

- In section Weapons character should be given a weapon with a profile: Buncho'Stikkboms' (Melee; 2d10 X; P0; Blast (3); Teefbom'*)

Teefbom' Weapon Quality: semi-feral orks of Ganf Magna often use their squigs as suicide bombers. These are faster and even more aggressive than their mouth-to-hand fighting counterparts. Usually each one is kept in cages and before being released, some disposable grots put a bunch of Stikk Bombs in it's mouth. When the beast catches scent or sight of human it hurries towards it as fast as it can, bites Stikk Boms hard and dies in an explosion, hopefully taking a bunch of stinky humies with it.

Weapon with a Teefbom' Special Quality explodes on every Test failed by the carrier. Be it Agility Test while going through Difficult Terrain, Willpower Test caused by Fear source etc., the carrier squeezes Stikk Bombs little too hard and it's gone. Carrier always has to attack with the Teefbom' Weapon first. When it explodes, squig dies outright as grenades just burst it's skull into oblivion from the inside. Explosion is always centered on a squig.

Tactics : Rutherds of Ganf-Magna often used those beasts in urban skirmishes, where Guardsmen could use cover to set up advantagous firing positions behind the walls or in trenches. Sprinting Squigs could reach those in seconds and either kill defenders outright or flush them out of the cover. Given poor orkish accuracy and terrible grot strength, realeasing Bomb Squigs occured to be perfect replacement for usage of grenades.