Sweaty man grapple

By KiiT2, in UFS Rules Q & A

For Test of Strength, can you use cervantes's achron and nervana to buff the check (and damage/reduction)?

No, that is not a control check to play an ability. That is two control checks to determine the effects of an ability.

aslum said:

No, that is not a control check to play an ability. That is two control checks to determine the effects of an ability.

is it a control check? yes
is it for an ability? I'm pretty sure it is.


The ability says to play an ability. That means if part of the cost is (X+), not if part of the played ability requires a check.

So, no hacking the ability check.


Stamps for T & A.

Just to reiterate - ToS's control check is resolving an ability, not paying the cost of an ability.

A&N is used when an ability is written E(5+): or similar.

Antigoth said:

Stamps for T & A.

I LOLed.

Wild storm....ALL control checks get +1.

Also note, you COULD use the Enhance, just not the React on Acheron. I didn't even read it closely (and apparently no one else did either, or someone would have noticed... )

aslum said:

Also note, you COULD use the Enhance, just not the React on Acheron. I didn't even read it closely (and apparently no one else did either, or someone would have noticed... )

No. How are you going to use it between making the CC for playing Sweaty man grapple and the effects resolving? It could boost your CC to PASS the sweat man grapply card, but you make a seperate check for its resolution.

Wait, you have to make a control check to play action cards?

Yeah, no... I don't know what I was thinking. Just ignore that. *sigh*