I just got back to my Rogue Trader game tonight. I'd run it before with Dark Heresy rules, where the party was the Rogue Trader's daughter & heir apparent and her band of troubleshooters. They dealt with problems on board the ship and helped to explore new worlds and things like that. The daughter was being groomed to take over once the father retired. They weren't in command of the vessel, so the lower power level worked just fine.
Now that RT's out, I've decided to move the campaign to the next phase. The party's Rogue Trader dynasty has been involved in a horrible vendetta against an RT consortium known as the Stark Brotherhood. The future Rogue Trader only stepped into that position after the (pre game) assassination of her older brother. As the first adventure of "Phase Two," they managed to turn the tables on an ambush by the Stark Brotherhood and have captured one of their vessels. The Rogue Trader wants to make his daughter the captain of the captured vessel, as she is covered by his Warrant of Trade - it's for the dynasty, not a single individual. The daughter (a PC) want to rename the ship.
Huh. Is that even done? You always hear about ships being ancient things, and having their own spirits, their own histories. My knee-jerk response to the idea is that it's probably considered bad luck to rename a ship. Bad luck in a superstitious void sailor kind of way. This has turned into a major issue - the PC captain-to-be hated the captain of the captured vessel (the Pride of Sevastopol) with a passion - Captain Romanov had arranged her brother's assassination as a way to "buy in" to the Stark Brotherhood. Captain-to-be wants to rename the ship after her dead brother.
I keep on envisioning the void born looking at her and saying "That's crazy talk," and making a Aquila to ward off evil. Am I off base here? I can see making a Endeavor of going to some Forge World of Shrine World (or both) to have the ship re-christened. I suppose ships are reclaimed in similar ways from the Archenemy, or else the Imperium would go around will ships named "the Skull Raper" and the "Symphony of Angst."
So, what do you think? Do ships get re-named? Is it a big deal to do so? I'm not opposed to making an Endeavor of it, since there's going to be a lot of gaming surrounding getting a new crew and getting the ship refit. Am I off base here?
I thank you in advance for your attention and your opinions.