Unreadable Sidebars from downloadable Support PDF articles

By pendrake71, in Deathwatch

Just as the Topic-title says.

I have tried downloading the Deathwatch Errata (from FAQ) and the various PDF articles from Player Resources sub-category.

Unfortunately, the Sidebar portions for ALL of the PDF articles are "faded" to the point of being un-readable, and definitely not printable (just blank squares).

I tried using Foxit Phantom and Adobe Acrobat PDF-readers, so I am assuming the problem are the PDFs themselves.

Any help, fix, &/or corrected versions, for this?

Edited by pendrake71

Checked my files - everything is ok , but they were downloaded long ago. I tried to download the files again - it seems that the problem is on the server, down loading fails.

I have no (apparent) problems with downloading the PDF files; but as previously said, that the Sidebar boxes are "faded out" and un-readable.

Ideally, I want the Know No Fear (Jericho Reach timeline history) Supplement, and the two-part Adventure of Final Sanction & Oblivion's Edge.

I also figure I will need the Deathwatch Errata, for both myself (Game Master) and to hand out to my players.

A friend had he same problem. Turns out he downloaded a bad copy of the core book rather than buy his own. :/

I've purchased all mine through DriveThruRPG since many were out of stock on the main page and they all load up just fine.

I had that problem when trying to read them on my phone, but not when viewing them on my computer. Has he tried selecting the text?

On my PC all free files work perfectly, but if I upload them to Google drive and view with built-in PDF viewer - sidebars fades. Something with PDF/PDF-viewer versions.

There was a similar issue with iBooks until recently, but now the sidebars are perfectly legible.