New Player Looking for Help

By Ranzic, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Hi all!

I'm just getting into the game and I was hoping that I could get some help coming up with some decks that would be fun but also competitive to play. For my Corp deck I'm really wanting to run something that loads up a ton of ICE that make a great shield to advance my agendas behind. For my Runner deck I'd like to run something that loads up on programs and makes you feel like a real hacker! I'm not sure if that's enough information to give me some ideas but I hope that y'all can help me!

For the Corp, you want to look into the Glacier archetype. Search for variants on "redcoats" and the more recent evolution, "foodcoats" for a very popular and strong deck build (though the new restricted list means the original lists are no longer tournament legal).

For the runner, I think you're probably looking for some variant of "big-rig" which is where the runner assembles a suite of powerful Icebreakers to ensure they can't be kept out of any server consistently. It can be slow to get set up so struggles against faster corps, but has a very strong endgame.

I'm sorry I can't link to any specific lists right now as I'm replying from my phone, but I hope that's close to what you're looking for.

I would swap out the Assassins for Vikram 1.0 from the new pack.

and for runner--

so, here's the thing: a huge part of Netrunner is economy and tempo. Games generally fall into three stages (which are fuzzy and full of exceptions and workarounds, so don't take it as gospel):

1- Early Game. Advantage Runner. With few cards on the board, the runner has little to lose from hostile Ice, and often the corp may not have all its economy up and running yet to rez that ice. It's hard to finish a game in this stage, but randomness is "clumpy." Sometimes the runner finds a cluster of agendas, sometimes the corp gets a flatline combo assembled early.

2- Midgame. Advantage Corp. Several pieces of ice have been rezzed, or a kill deck is poised and ready to punish a single mistake on the runner's part. The runner needs to find answers to the corporate strategy before the corporation can push through agendas.

3- Late Game. Advantage Runner. The runner has found ways to defang the corporation's game plan. They've got their breakers and economy online, or whatever alternative win condition is online, such as Ice Destruction+R&D multi-access. (destroying the corp's infrastructure pushes the game back to an "early game" mode.)

What your chosen strategies are essentially gunning for is on corp side to close out the Early Game phase quickly and transition to an extended midgame that makes the runner's life difficult. Your vulnerabilities will be to early game aggression, particularly strategies which lock you into an early game state through choke or destruction.

On Runner side you'll be trying to sprint past the midgame and dominate the endgame, having solutions to all the corp's possible challenges. It's difficult because you will have to apply consistent pressure leading up to that. You can't expect to spend eight or nine turns building your rig while the corporation scores 5 or 6 points and expect to rope-a-dope them into a win. Maybe they will have scored 5 or 6 points, but if you've already scored a few of your own, or have held them to 3-4 points, their ability to find more than one window of opportunity late game will be difficult.

This article (somewhat dated) covers some fundamentals new players should be familiar with. It should give you food for thought on both the Runner and Corp strategies you're wanting to use.