Plasma weapons

By InquisitorGray, in Rogue Trader

Are plasma weapons worth the risk? They may hit a little bit harder but is that worh it?

InquisitorGray said:

Are plasma weapons worth the risk? They may hit a little bit harder but is that worh it?

Certainly. After all, the Emperor Protects!


-=Brother Praetus=-

p.s. Such awesome work on the mini.

They have their place. Against creatures with unnatural toughness you want lots of damage not pen or shots. This means a plasma or melta weapon. Melta weapons are pretty short range. I see my PCs carrying a plasma pistol as a back up.

Also, if you have a good Profit Factor or Commerce bonus, look into picking up a Best Quality one. They never Overheat.

Brother Praetus said:

Certainly. After all, the Emperor Protects!


-=Brother Praetus=-

p.s. Such awesome work on the mini.

The Emperor (and a 3+ armor save) Protects...Imperial Guardsmen may feel otherwise.

Shame they did such a neat modelling job and then skipped on the painting.

Plasma weapons are well worth it, but you should want a backup of some kind so you can drop an overheating gun without being disarmed.

Yes, plasma seem well worth it if you can get a Good or Best quality one. (Good gets Reliable and the extra roll to prevent, while best never overheat). Then again, in many many sessions of playing DH, I don't think we've had more than one or two jams rolled ever, so it's not a frequent occurance and well worth spending a fortune point to reroll.

Even if you do get an overheat, and don't have (or aren't willing to spend) any Fate Points, you can just drop the thing and Quick Draw a backup weapon until it's done sizzling at your feet. Absolutely worth it, IMO, and once you get into good and best quality, you're laughing.

Too bad about those reload times though.

Maximal mode on a Plasma Pistol only gets 3 shots (plus 1 regular) before you have to spend 3 turns reloading. Might as well just stow it and pull out a backup weapon.

plasma weapons now only have recharge effect when you fire at max setting and not on normal setting (p123 firing plasma weapons)

Plasma weapons, the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively, have to kill every single motherfucker in the room; accept no substitute.

Hey- I've got a conversion like that!

Exactly like that, in fact. If it wasn't for the fact I know I sprayed mine with a chaos black undercoat without taking a pic I could have sworn that was mine...

Aye, the miniature picture is pretty cool (pity it's not painted); the only one I have seen that I think is funny was a two man team with a Missile Launcher and while the one marine is aiming it the other was on one knee with hands together, presumably imploring the Emperor to show mercy and not blow them both up. :¬)

Plasma guns are incredibly worth it for the following reasons:

1. Power rules. It changes it from pretty good to very good

2. Semi-auto. Nothing says you can't on full power

3. Quick-draw. Pick it up fast if it heats and...

4. A second plasma gun. To quick-draw and fire while the first one recharges.

I've seen an arch-militant put out sickening damage like that. He only has to stop to reload, and if a few acquisitions go his way then the Gun Caddy will be doing that for him on guns three and four.

St. Jimmy said:

Plasma guns are incredibly worth it for the following reasons:

1. Power rules. It changes it from pretty good to very good

2. Semi-auto. Nothing says you can't on full power

3. Quick-draw. Pick it up fast if it heats and...

4. A second plasma gun. To quick-draw and fire while the first one recharges.

I've seen an arch-militant put out sickening damage like that. He only has to stop to reload, and if a few acquisitions go his way then the Gun Caddy will be doing that for him on guns three and four.

How long do you expect the gun caddy to survive ?

Plasma guns might be, but plasma grenades aren't. For me plasma grenades do 2D10+6 Pen8 Blast (3) damage and are more expensive and rare. I see no reason for a plasma grenade not to be set at maximal setting when it explodes, it can only do it once after all (the above stats are applying the rules for maximal from plasma weapons to the grenade's damage).


Bilateralrope said:

St. Jimmy said:

Plasma guns are incredibly worth it for the following reasons:

1. Power rules. It changes it from pretty good to very good

2. Semi-auto. Nothing says you can't on full power

3. Quick-draw. Pick it up fast if it heats and...

4. A second plasma gun. To quick-draw and fire while the first one recharges.

I've seen an arch-militant put out sickening damage like that. He only has to stop to reload, and if a few acquisitions go his way then the Gun Caddy will be doing that for him on guns three and four.

How long do you expect the gun caddy to survive ?

A quaint picture of a large AM armored in gilded PA reaching out to small famished child 1/8 his size dressed in rags and demanding "Hand me my Plasma Rifle!" enters my mind. Maybe a trail of children for a sadistically minded player? "NEXT!" partido_risa.gif