Store Championship 2016, Athena Games, Norwich, UK

By Zyge, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

So another tournament with only a few (3) players. We are so up and down in the store, fluctuates anywhere between 3-7 players. Quite disappointing but also more annoying is the whole odd number of players. But anyway, the results:

1st place - Rustie (Rebels)

MC80 Assault Cruiser (185) - Home One (7), Ackbar (38), Engine Techs (6), XI7 Turbolasers (6), ECM (7), Intel Officer (7)

Corvette A (54) - Leia (3), Turbolaser Reroute (7)

Corvette A (51) - Turbolaser Reroute (7)

Corvette A (51) - Turbolaser Reroute (7)

3 x YT 2400 (48)

Total Fleet Points = 389
2nd place - Andy (Imperials)

ISD I (152) - Admiral Screed (26), Relentless (3), XI7 Turbolasers (6), Gunnery Team (7)

VSD I (91) - Gunnery Team (7), Engineering Captain (6), XX9 Turbolasers (5)

Gladiator I (79) - Demolisher (10), Engine Techs (6), ACM (7)

Gladiator (69) - Engine Techs (6), ACM (7)

Total Fleet Points = 391
3rd place - Bob (Imperials)

VSD I (99) - Darth Vader (36)

ISD I (120) - Enhanced Armament (10)

ISD I (120) - Enhanced Armament (10)

Dengar (20)
2 x TIE Interceptors (22)

Total Fleet Points = 381

I think that was it, I am pretty sure that there must have been a lot of adding up going wrong but never mind.

As we only played 2 matches each and got a bye each also, I have not added objectives because.....

Rustie vs Bob - Minefields
Rustie vs Andy - Minefields
Bob vs Andy - Erm........ you guessed it!

So a few thoughts:

Interestingly (after playing against a friend of mine Imps vs Imps) I decided that going first was key, I have 4 ships and a good chance of destroying ships before they get to activate. Running the risk I do not come up against a heavy X-/Y-Wing list which (with no fighter screen) would mash me.

Rustie and Bob went even lower on fleet points to make sure they were second player (they both had Advanced Gunnery, Contested Outpost and Minefields objectives).

So 2 different schools of thought there, more players would have seen which would be most successful. I would enjoy any reply to what other readers of this post think of the "lower fleet points/first or second player" idea.

Horrifyingly I have heard that a winner of a Store Championship in a shop in a town near ours went for a "crazy Firespray" list, whatever that means!